Duralloy Platinum 316L Stainless Steel Electrodes 2.5/3.2mm 2.5kg Pack

$170.50 - $173.25
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Duralloy 316L is designed for welding all chromium-nickel steels with low or medium carbon content as well as Titanium and niobium stabilized chromium -nickel steels of the 18cr 8Ni type.

Duralloy 316L is a smooth running Rutile high alloy extra-low carbon electrode. It has good striking and restriking with excellent slag removal and very low spatter levels.

Welding Positions: All positions except vertical down.

Welding Position F - 55 - 70 Amps (2.5mm) - 80-100 Amps (3.2mm)

Welding Position V, OH - 45 - 50Amps (2.5mm) - 70-90 Amps (3.2mm)


AWS A5.4: E316L-16

ISO 3581: E19123LR23

BS2926: E19123LR