Duralloy Platinum GP12 Electrodes 2.5/3.2mm Pack

$29.15 - $58.30
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Duralloy GP12 is a General Purpose Rutile Type Electrode with All positional capabilities. it has a very smooth stable arc and is ideal for use with the Duralloy manual arc machine range.

Duralloy GP12 is ideal for the novice and the professional welder. Its low fume and spatter levels along with the excellent striking capabilities makes the electrode extremely user friendly. It has excellent arc penetration and the fast freezing slag allows this electrode to be used in all positions.

Welding positions: All Positions.

Welding Position F -  60-130 amps

Welding Position V-Down - 60-130 amps

Welding position v, OH - 60-130 amps


AS1553.1:E4112 grade2

AWSA5.1: E6013

ISO2560 : E433R11